Hello Fellow Readers & Writers! I’m Danielle.
I live on Long Island, I go to school in NYC at Hunter College’s School of Education, and in my free time I read and write (that’s it—that’s the life). This is my space for book closure—where I’ll fully engage with my literature opinions and favorite stories.
I’ve gotten into the habit of marking my favorite quotes and writing them in a journal of mine (you should try it—it’s quite satisfying to feel the scribble of your favorite quote to then reread in handwriting that’s your own), so at the end of each review I’ve added the quotes which hit me most.
I think of them as writing prompts, where I’ll interact with the quotes which mean the most to me and see what kinds of poems/stories they pull out of me. These will be under my category, “Stories by Quotes.”
If anyone’s interested, you may also submit your quote-inspired pieces (which I mean very broadly—any inspiration that comes to you, and in any form, be it poetry, nonfiction, fiction, artwork, music, etc.). Please send your submissions to editor@storybeforeslumber.com so I can read your awesome, authentic pieces, possibly provide feedback (if you’re interested), and post under the category “Stories By Quotes” with my own stories.
More of my stories are under category “Stories By Me.” These are all my published works.
And lastly but most certainly not least, I would LOVE to make some reading friends. Feel free to comment on any of my book reviews to share some book sentiments (or arguments!); I’m open to it all!